Trustonomy will be one of the speakers of the workshop “Ethical issues raised by driverless mobility” which will be held on 13 February 2020 at DG Research and Innovation (please note: the event is not public and accessible only under invitation).

This workshop is organized to support the ongoing work done by the Commission Expert Group on specific ethical issues raised by driverless mobility, which was set up earlier this year by the European Commission, and
to bring additional experts and stakeholders together to allow for interactive discussions and to foster a user-centered approach to these ethical recommendations.

The objective of this independent Expert Group is to stimulate a discussion at European level in order to provide practical support to relevant stakeholders, policymakers and designers in the safe and ethical transition to connected and automated mobility.
A final report including recommendations and possibly ethical guidelines for the development of driverless mobility in the EU is expected from the Expert Group in June 2020.