On 21-22 January 2020, the first meeting devoted to pilot research in the Trustonomy project took place. All consortium members involved in the implementation of Pilot 1 (P1), taking place in Poland and Finland, met in Warsaw. The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Motor Transport Institute, and was attended by representations from six different organizations:

• ITS (Motor Transport Institute, WP5 task coordinator),
• TTSFI (Työtehoseura ry),
• Robocar Technologies,
• SAS (Skoda Auto Szkoła),
• Solaris,
• Softeco Sismat (project coordinator).

The meeting raised very important topics in the context of research planning and implementation, the capabilities of individual organizations, equipment owned, as well as planned purchasing actions. It was extremely important to discuss and define a common vision for conducting research, as well as creating a preliminary action plan for P1.